showing 50 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsdescription
Dead or Alive Xtreme 2  Tecmo (Team Ninja)2006 beach bikini blackjack21 clothing criware doa doaxtreme-series fanservice femaledominant femaleprotagonist jigglephysics perchararelations photographing poker poker-5card rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-12 roulette shopping slotmachine volleyball watersports Join the [gametag=doa]DOA[/gametag] girls once again on Zack s Island in DOA Xtreme 2; the sequel to the most thrilling beach game every created: DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball. Play & explore at your own pace as you compete in all new island activities. Play as one of the nine beautiful DOA girls and experience first-hand the way resort life was meant to be enjoyed.

* The Girls: The gorgeous women of Team Ninja'sDead or Alive come to life in a fun and beautiful island environment, complete with the flawless graphics of the Xbox 360. Take pictures of the girls in the new unlockable Virtual Pictorial mode and save the best shots to your hard drive.
* The Competition: Beach volleyball is back and better than ever, but now you can also experience all-new exciting and addictive events like jet skiing, Butt Battle, Beach Flag, and everyone's favorite, the Water Slide! Compete in single-player mode, in versus with a friend, or take your game online with Xbox Live !
* The Clothes: Unlock hundreds of swimsuits and accessories along with other outfits to customize your wardrobe and keep the DOA girls looking their best.
* The Nightlife: Take some time away from the beach with the updated Casino feature. Gamble the night away and test your luck as you hang with the girls, unlock special items, and earn more money!
Assault Heroes Sierra On-Line (Wanako Studios)2006 rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 xblm labelimageminimize
Eternal Sonata  Namco Bandai;Atari (tri-Crescendo)2007 1840s 19thcentury city-paris-fr colorful dreams europe france music-theme musicband photographing rating-acb-m rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 rating-usk-12 uvl-tiein Official description, character images, and screenshots were generously provided by NAMCO BANDAI Games who request it be stated that:
This website is completely unofficial and is in no way endorsed by NAMCO BANDAI Games. ETERNAL SONATA & © 2007 NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc.

On his deathbed, the famous composer, Chopin, drifts between this life and the
next. In his final hours, he experiences a fantastical dream where he encounters
a young girl facing a terrible destiny and the boy who will fight to save her. On
the border between dreams and reality, Chopin discovers the light that shines in
all of us in this enduring tale of good and evil, love and betrayal.
Developed by Tri-Crescendo and featuring the music of Chopin, Eternal Sonata
delivers amazingly detailed 3D graphics, a captivating storyline with over 30
hours of gameplay and an innovative action battle system.


• Custom-Made for Next-Gen: Enjoy amazing, high-definition, anime
style cel-shading and high quality textures shine to truly deliver an
awesome next gen experience.

• Innovative Battle System: Battle using a unique hybrid turn
based/action RPG system that combines free-roam and turn-based
action (up to three players during battle).

• Strategic Use of Light and Darkness: Adjust your battle strategy in
the ongoing struggle between light and darkness. Beware of enemies
lurking in the shadows, as their stats – attacks and potency – will
change, as will their physical form. Lure them out into the light or
destroy them there in the cloak of darkness. Also, change your special
attacks depending on whether you are in the light....or in the dark.

• Dramatic and Evolving Storyline: Experience a deeply moving story
focusing on the enduring struggle between good and evil all while
taking place in a dream during the final 3 hours of world-famous music
composer Frederic Chopin's life.

• Mesmerizing Music: Listen as world-renowned pianist Stanislav
Bunin performs Chopin's original compositions, which are a key
element in the environment and story of Eternal Sonata.


It was a world of dreams...
Late on the night of October 16, 1849, in an apartment at 12 Place Vendome in
the heart of Paris, Frédéric François Chopin, known as the poet of the piano,
dreams his last dream while lying in his sickbed. It is a dream of a beautiful,
magical world, like something from a fairy tale.
In that world, those with incurable illnesses are able to harness the power of
magic. He encounters a young girl facing a terrible destiny and the boy who will
fight to save her. Though he first thought that this world is just a fantasy, an
illusion created by his mind, Chopin realizes that there might be more to this
A world of vivid colors. A world that feels so real.
Can this truly be just a dream?

Colin McRae: DiRT  Codemasters2007 colinmcraerally ego-engine motorracing motorsport professionalathlete rally rating-acb-g rating-esrb-e rating-pegi-12 * Real racing with real consequences. Stay in control or watch as your car dramatically crashes into a barrier and barrel-rolls, crushing every panel and spewing debris across the track. * A wide variety of off-road and rally disciplines to experience: Rally, Hill Climb, Rally RAID, Rally Cross, the CORR desert series, and more. * Photorealistic tracks painstakingly recreated from real-world location photography and satellite data. * Incredibly detailed models of 46 licensed vehicles bring the action to life. *Online play for intense multiplayer competition***
X-Blades  SouthPeak Games;1C Company (Gaijin Entertainment)2007 actionadventure combobonuses curse dagor-engine dissolvingcorpses dualwielding elementals fanservice felinoids femaleprotagonist firearms giantmonsters gunblades hackandslash healthregen insectoids interlinkedlevels island jumping magic meleeweapons midairjumping monsters multipleendings npcgenerators rage rating-pegi-12 rewardingvandalism ruins sciencefantasy score scoremultipliers souls spectres swords teleport traproom tripeds tutorial vibrant walking labelimageminimize
Assault Heroes 2 Sierra On-Line (Wanako Studios)2008 rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 xblm labelimageminimize
Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit  Namco Bandai;Atari (Dimps)2008 dragonball rating-pegi-12 uvl-tiein labelimageminimize
Tomb Raider: Underworld  Eidos Interactive;Spike (Crystal Dynamics)2008 acrobatics actionadventure aimassist ancientmachines animals anticipatorysightings archeologistprotagonist arcticocean asia asphyxiation assaultrifles autosavepoints avalon backtracking balancebeams bigcats bink cave cemetery chiroptera clingers cloneconundrum clones clothingchanges dark-limited deathpits difficulty difficulty-aspects directionalforce-tilt dodging driving earth electricweapons enemyhealthdisplay europe explosiveobjects fallbackweapon falldamage fallimpact fanservice fantasticearth femaleprotagonist firearms fmod gianthumanoids giants giantspiders grapplinghook grenades handguns healingitems horizontalbars hud-dynamic immortals inbuilttraps indianocean interactivetriggers invisiblewalls jumping knockback ladders lamp ledges lostresources map map-3d map-semiauto mediterranean mexico monologues motorcycle norsemythology norway npcstrife oopitems pawn permanentcorpses poles poorgrip present pressureplates quicktimeevent rain rating-acb-m rating-bbfc-12 rating-cero-c rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 rating-pegi-16 recurrence-character rewardingvandalism ropeswinging ruins sciencefantasy secrets sequence-timed shallowwater sharks shotguns simulacrums slowmotion spearguns spiders steppingstones submachineguns swimming targetlock telescope thailand titularlocale tombraider tombraider-2nd trampling tropic tumbling unarmedfighting undead undeadanimals underwaterdiving walking walljumping watercraft-location wildlife wintery labelimageminimize
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger  Aksys Games;Arc System Works;PQube (Arc System Works)2009 1on1fighting 2190s blazblue-series jigglephysics mp-crossplatform rating-acb-m rating-cero-b rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 labelimageminimize
Invincible Tiger: The Legend of Han Tao Namco Bandai Games (Blitz Arcade)2009 rating-pegi-12 xblm Han Tao, General of a Thousand Victories, has pledged his life to protect the legendary Star of Destiny, a mysterious artifact recently stolen by the Evil Overlord. Han Tao will face a cavalcade of enemies, ranging from standard grunts to undead horrors in his quest to recover the sacred Star. Luckily Han Tao is well versed in intense combos, slick counter-moves, the art of deadly weapons, and mystical Zen attacks. By filling up Han Tao’s Zen Meter with punishing combos and well timed dodges, players can unlock the full potential of his true power and decimate the opposition. Invincible Tiger: The Legend of Han Tao offers a variety of modes for both online and local play: Team up with a partner and take on the Evil Overload’s diabolical army through Story Mode Co-op. Carefully battle through each stage with increased difficulty and a shared Zen Meter. Combat techniques learned through the single player game will serve players well as all-out brawls will leave stragglers in the dust. Endurance Mode has players battling an endless stream of enemies under a specific time limit. Post your scores online for bragging rights. labelimagesubject
Commanders: Attack of the Genos Microsoft Game Studios (SouthEnd Interactive)2009 rating-pegi-12 xblm labelimageminimize
Aqua  Microsoft Game Studios (Games Distillery)2010 bossbattles chapterreplay directionalforce enemyhealthdisplay fallbackweapon fictionaluniverse group group-leader healthpickups interactivetriggers minefield mines mp-cooperative rage rain rating-esrb-e10 rating-pegi-12 rockets score sequence-defend sequence-timed steampunk submarines war watercraft xblm labelimageminimize
Darkstar One: Broken Alliance  Kalypso Media Digital (Ascaron Entertainment)2010 1life absolutearmor adv-objects aliens autosavepoints autoturrets colorful damageindicator difficulty difficulty-ingame dustmotes energyshields energyweapons extraterrestrial freelancing future healthwarning ichthyoids indicator-lead insectoids interstellartravel neutralnpcs npcgenerators objectiveindicator obsoletedassets outlaws radar rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 rockets saveanywhere search secretconflict sequence-defend serious shieldregen shopping space spacecraft spacecraft-small spacefaringage spaceflight spacefriction spacelanes stacsim targetlock taskgenerator timecompression titularvehicle trading vehiclecustomization voiceovers warptravel labelimageminimize
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift  Aksys Games;Arc System Works;PQube (Arc System Works)2010 1on1fighting 2190s blazblue-series jigglephysics rating-acb-m rating-cero-c rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 labelimageminimize
Castlevania - Harmony of Despair  Konami2010 castlevania moaifigures rating-acb-m rating-cero-b rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 xblm labelimageminimize
The Harvest Microsoft Game Studios (Luma Arcade)2010 actionrpg ambientocclusion classbased criticalchance difficulty healingitems healthregen itemglow lightbloom minimap mp-cooperative rating-pegi-12 xblm xp-kills labelminimizeminimize
DoDonPachi Resurrection  Cave;Rising Star Games (Cave)2010 donpachi manicshooter rating-cero-a rating-pegi-12 scrollingshooter Also released in a pack called DoDonPachi Daifukkatsu Double Pack released on April 26th, 2012 in Japan, that included this game and [game=#195578]DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Black Label[/game], published by Cave, rated CERO A. labelimageminimize
Portal 2 Valve;EA Partners (Valve)2011 breakpad constrainedlocale environmentalpuzzle erraticlanguage fanservice-tech halflife langchinesesimpl langchinesetrad langromanian langthai mindupload mp-cooperative overgrowth portal-series puzzleplatformer rating-acb-pg rating-cero-a rating-esrb-e10 rating-pegi-12 robotprotagonist unreliablenarrator labelimageminimize
Bangai-O HD: Missile Fury D3 Publisher (Treasure)2011 bangaio rating-cero-a rating-esrb-e10 rating-pegi-12 scrollingshooter xblm labelimageminimize
Gatling Gears Electronic Arts (Vanguard Entertainment)2011 mecha rating-esrb-e10 rating-pegi-12 steampunk xblm labelimageminimize
DiRT 3  Codemasters2011 colinmcraerally motorracing motorsport offroadracing rally rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 DiRT 3: Complete Edition includes all DLC (new cars, new tracks, online multiplayer mode). labelimageminimize
Akai Katana  Cave;Rising Star Games (Cave)2011 manicshooter rating-acb-pg rating-cero-b rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 scrollingshooter labelimageminimize
Iron Brigade  Microsoft Studios (Double Fine Productions)2011 3ormoreplayers addons africa alienearth alternatetimeline automatedwar bossbattles chapterreplay chapterreplay-cumulative destructiblestructures difficulty-single earth europe indicator-range intermissions levelbasedeq levelselection mecha mode-survival mp-cooperative mp-matchmaking obsoletedassets paidkilling playerprogression postreleaserename rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 reload-auto robotmenace robots safeweapons screenshake structureupgrades suicideattackers towerdefense unlimitedammo unlockable-items vehiclecustomization walker walkers waves weirdscience xblm zoom Originally released as Trenched in U.S./North America, but with international release the game name was changed for all regions to Iron Brigade due to trademark issues in Europe. labelimageminimize
Dead Block Namco Bandai Games (Candygun Games)2011 3ormoreplayers barricading controlswitch cooperation decoys endlessopposition enemyhealthdisplay fragileprotagonist glowingeyes healingstations improvisedweapons keys mp-cooperative music-rock nonsense npcspawning overpowered quicktimeevent radar randomlocations rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 rewardingvandalism scavenging search survival trapping xblm zombieapocalypse zombies labelimageminimize
Bastion Warner Bros. Interactive (Supergiant Games)2011 blocking dreamworld indie narrator passageondemand projectiledeflection rating-esrb-e10 rating-pegi-12 reactivenarrator shatteredworld shields slowprojectiles trivialresearch xblm labelimageminimize
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron Ignition Entertainment (Ignition Tokyo)2011 rating-acb-pg rating-cero-b rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 labelimageminimize
The Baconing Valcon Games (Hothead Games)2011 actionadventure deathspank-series hackandslash mp-cooperative rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 labelimageminimize
Renegade Ops Sega (Avalanche Studios)2011 autozoom mp-cooperative rating-pegi-12 twinstickshooter xblm labelimageminimize
Rotastic Focus Home Interactive (Dancing Dots)2011 rating-pegi-12 xblm labelimageminimize
Guardian Heroes Sega (Treasure)2011 rating-pegi-12 weaponplot xblm labelimageminimize
Dungeon Defenders Trendy Entertainment2011 adv-xpdistr advancingattacks bgnpccleanup classbased colorful cpplanguage crossworldcharacters crystals dedicatedclient destructiblestructures difficulty download dungeondefenders-series elves goblinoids goblins indie itempickup-attract itempickup-auto loot-random magic mode-challenge mode-survival mp-cooperative mp-crossplatform mp-dropin mp-matchmaking mysticprotagonist orcs paidkilling physx playerstats rating-esrb-e10 rating-pegi-12 repairing sorcery structurefacing summoning towerdefense trapping unrealdevkit unrealengine3 vibrant vorbis walking waves wxwidgets xblm xp-kills xp-progress labelimageminimize
Real Steel Yuke's2011 rating-cero-a rating-esrb-e10 rating-pegi-12 robots xblm labelimageminimize
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked  Majesco (Behaviour Interactive)2011 alvinandthechipmunks kinect rating-esrb-e10 rating-pegi-12 labelimageminimize
The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montpellier)2011 europeancomic kinect movie rating-acb-pg rating-esrb-e10 rating-pegi-12 rating-usk-12 tintin labelimageminimize
Trine 2 Atlus (Frozenbyte)2011 3ormoreplayers actionadventure adv-ptdistr autosavepoints ballistics bioluminescence blocking bludgeons bows carnivorousplants castle charging collectibles colorful contrasted crepuscularrays deadlydecor disappearingplatforms dragons elasticsurfaces envcombat femaleprotagonist forest ghosts giantgastropods giantmonsters giantspiders goblinoids goblins grapplinghook hapticfeedback hintsystem indie instantkillers interactivetriggers inventory juggernauts jumppads launcher lethalobjects magic maleprotagonist meleeweapons minibosses mp-cooperative multikeyboard multipointer newgameplus physics playerexposition portals puzzlebosses rating-esrb-e10 rating-pegi-12 retrypoints ropeswinging rotatingplatforms scenic secrets shields sorcery stereoscopic subterranean swimming swords telekinesis thrownweapons titlementioned titularobject trine-series trineverse undead unlimitedammo vibrant voicechat walking wetland xblm xp-kills xp-objects labelimageminimize
Street Fighter X Tekken Capcom2012 1on1fighting crossover day1dlc disclockedcontent rating-acb-pg rating-cero-b rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 rating-usk-12 streetfighter tekken Utilizing the same technology that powered Street FighterTM IV & Super Street FighterTM IV, TekkenTM characters such as Kazuya Mishima and Nina Williams will make the transition into the Street FighterTM universe having been re-imagined using the much-loved art style of these seminal titles; while retaining their unique characteristics and signature moves as they go head-to-head with classic brawlers from the Street Fighter franchise in what promises to be the ultimate match up. labelimagesubject
Defenders of Ardania  Deep Silver;Paradox Interactive (Most Wanted Entertainment)2012 ardania rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 rating-usk-12 towerdefense toweroffense xblm labelimageminimize
Anomaly: Warzone Earth 11 bit studios2012 2020s alienmenace anomaly-series asia autosavepoints city city-baghdad-iq city-tokyo-jp combobonuses decoys earth enemyhealthdisplay energyshields experimentaltechnology facelessprotagonist falseending fictionalelement fullscreen future gameplayinn healthregen healthregen-fast intangibleallies iraq japan leaderparticipation militantprotagonist militaryfiction missionbased namelessprotagonist netranking paidkilling rating-esrb-e10 rating-pegi-12 retrypoints retrypoints-rollback robotmenace routing ruins score scoremultipliers sequence-timed smokegrenades tanks timecompression titlementioned toweroffense turrets twitter undefinedelements xblm Experience the innovative Tower Offense formula where you are the attacking side. Be captivated by a new approach to strategy designed specifically for gamepad. Take on the role of the Commander whose special abilities are crucial in the quest for victory. Manage your armor squad's tactics – choose your formation and plot your course. Gather resources for new units and upgrades. Jump into a variety of modes – story campaign and two Squad Assault Modes. Become the strategy master by solving puzzles in Xbox-exclusive Tactical Trials levels. Enjoy extraordinary mixture of strategy and action packaged in great visuals and atmospheric sound!***
Persona 4 Arena  Atlus;PQube (Arc System Works)2012 1on1fighting jethammers persona rating-acb-m rating-cero-b rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 urbanfantasy labelimageminimize
Hybrid Microsoft Game Studios (5th Cell)2012 rating-acb-m rating-cero-b rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 xblm labelimageminimize
Comic Jumper  Microsoft Game Studios (Twisted Pixel Games)2012 rating-pegi-12 xblm Threatened with becoming just another failed superhero, Captain Smiley is rescued by the fine folks at Twisted Pixel who provide him with a base of operations and Comic Jumping technology allowing him-and his back-talking "chestkick" named Star-to leap into other comic books and save misguided plotlines, so that they may earn enough cash to catapult their superhero careers back into the limelight. From the creators of the award-winning titles Splosion Man and The Maw, Comic Jumper is the team's most ambitious game yet. Freebies: Free, all new unlockable Splosion Man single-player and multiplayer levels included in Comic Jumper!***
Rock Band Blitz Harmonix Music Systems2012 rating-pegi-12 rockband xblm labelimageminimize
Double Dragon Neon Majesco (WayForward Technologies)2012 doubledragon neon rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 xblm labelimageminimize
Fable: The Journey Microsoft (Lionhead Studios)2012 aaa fable-series kinect rating-pegi-12 unrealengine3 labelimageminimize
Zone of the Enders HD Collection  Konami (High Voltage Software)2012 rating-acb-m rating-bbfc-12 rating-cero-c rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-12 rating-usk-12 zoe-series [b]About ratings from European content rating systems[/b]:

The package shows that the game is PEGI-18, but this is only because it includes a demo of [game=#194159]Metal Gear Rising Vengeance[/game] which is PEGI-18. We can see on the game disc that the game itself is PEGI-12, BBFC-12 and USK-12.

In the USA, both the game and the demo were ESRB-M.
Retro City Rampage D3 Publisher (Vblank Entertainment)2013 4thwallbroken demake gtalike openworld parody plethoraofreferences rating-pegi-12 retro throwback variablevisuals xblm labelimageminimize
BattleBlock Theater Microsoft Game Studios (The Behemoth)2013 claiming disappearingplatforms handdrawngraphics jumppads ladders midairjumping rating-pegi-12 score secrets slipperysurfaces teleporters xblm labelimageminimize
CastleStorm Microsoft Studios (Zen Studios)2013 achievements combobonuses demo difficulty friendlyfire hybridgame medieval mode-skirmish mode-survival mp-cooperative mp-versus rating-pegi-12 splatter turretdefense voicechat Incorrectly advertised as tower defense game. labelimageminimize
STRIDER Capcom (Double Helix Games)2014 aircontrol autozoom bloodless bossbattles bossmeter ceilingclinging ceilingtraversal city collectibles eliteprotagonist ingamecinematics maintainedjump meleeweapons metroidvania midairjumping minimap ninjaprotagonist nofalldamage objectiveindicator rating-pegi-12 strider swords titlementioned titularcharacter unlockable-art upgradesystem wallclimbing walljumping wallsliding labelminimizeminimize
Legend of Korra Activision (Platinum Games)2014 actionadventure avatarthelastairbender cartoon columnarjointing counterattacks dodging enemyhealthdisplay femaleprotagonist flatshading hackandslash hitflash knockback magic mecha minibosses rating-pegi-12 sciencefantasy sorcery spectaclebrawler stunning wintery labelminimizeminimize